Comments so far for this video::::::
what song is this by the way?
how and why are people trying to relate this to Obama? get a life
this makes me happy :D
makes me wanna donate
lulz africa!!!!!
hmmm...i think they would rather be taxed than live in the situation they are in now. in fact dude, if you really dont like the idea of being under the control of a 'world government', this video gives a great example of where you can go and be 'free'.
its funny how many westerns will simply ASSUME what the situation is like in Africa, while many of us have never even stepped foot onto African soil. I've been to Africa and have witnessed the grassroot movement taking place there. Its POWERFUL. You want to make change? I suggest you take a look at African Sky, Inc.,ONE Campaign, WorldVision, DATA. that are influencing governments in Africa and initiating change. Don't let your preconvceived ideas of what Africa is/isnt stop you from makin chang
yeah i know because they could have solved these problems in africa and other nations dealing with this a while back. just to make it seem they're doing something, they release these videos that repeat the same topic over and over each new decade. a one star rating goes to this video.
Can someone explain how is that problem of people who lives thousands of miles away in Europe, America, etc. ? It's not us who made their water dirty. I believe it's their problem, not other's.
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